Responsive image

The Basics

What You Get with a Package : Responsive image



Home page contains Welcome statement, selected images or custom graphic, navigation links, copyright statement if applicable.

Personal Information page (Basic Small Business, Small Business Plus) containing About statements, bios, links and contact information. Two additional pages - up to four pages total. (Entry Level sites incorporate personal information into one inclusive page).

Intuitive navigational links (Listing of up to 20 links).

Basic image editing as necessary: including cropping, resizing, adjusting brightness/contrast, sharpening, optimization of file size to provide the best balance between image quality and download time on an average 56K modem. Digital images should be scanned at no less than 180 dpi. This basic package includes scanning and basic image editing for the four pages included in the package. Please note that sound tracks may slow load times dramatically for dial-up users. Meta tags will be written into the HTML of the main page---meta tags allow search engines to discover your site so that your page can be listed in a search. The client must supply keywords for search, in which MtS will assist the client in developing.

Site will be tested for Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and Chrome browser compatibility (minor variations in appearance not negatively affecting appearance may be evident).

Search engine submission with Google: one time submission.

Updates and changes: Two years free site maintenance (text updates only). Free maintenance does not include major graphic creation/manipulation or re-composition of site pages. Such changes would result in a further charge, scaled depending on the complexity of changes. After the free site maintenance guarantee has expired, the client may either hire MtS to maintain the site on a monthly contract or on a per-job basis, depending on the client’s needs. (Note: Client manipulation of HTML coding, paths, links, and image files is not recommended).

Viewing Work in Progress. A prototype version of the client’s site will always be viewable from a server on which MtS will be developing the site. Client input is not only encouraged, it is a must!

Domains. MtS can suggest domain providers, but we do not provide domains or register domain names. This is for the client’s protection and ease-of-use.

Host Sites All host sites and domain names are the responsibility of the client. In most cases, these services will incur additional costs to the client.

Text Content. When requested, MtS will assist the client in writing text content for the site, but in the end, it is the client who must provide the content. We strongly urge the client to have a basic text content formed beforehand to aid in the layout of the page design.

What if I want to maintain my own site? Mind to Sight does not design user-editable websites. However, we do have maintenance contracts starting at $30.00 a month. Also, remember that every package comes with two years free text content editing.

Mind to Sight Web Design Service Terms (all that legal stuff)

1. Copyright Usage: The rights granted to Client are for the usage of the Final Design in its original form only. Client may not modify the Final Design. Client shall have: Nonexclusive rights, unlimited duration, worldwide, electronic use, this website only. All other rights to be negotiated separately.

2. Reservation of Rights: All rights not expressly outlined above are retained by Mind to Sight Web Design. Any use additional to that expressly granted above requires arrangement for payment of a separate fee.

3. Revisions: Revisions may be made only by Mind to Sight Web Design at the Preliminary Design phase. Additional fees will be charged for revisions made after three (3) preliminary design revisions, and for additions to project scope. Mind to Sight Web Design retains all rights in and to all Preliminary Designs. Client shall return all Preliminary Designs to Mind to Sight Web Design within thirty (30) days of completion of the project and all rights in and to any Preliminary Designs shall remain the exclusive property of Designer. All customer-supplied artwork, photos and text content must be submitted within thirty (30) days of project commencement. Failure to do so will result in project cancellation (See Cancellation Fees below)

4. Payment Schedule: Fifty percent (50%) upon project commencement, the remaining amount due upon project completion.

5. Payment Terms: Payment due Net Thirty (30) days from issuance of invoice. A one and one half (1.5%) monthly service charge will be billed against late payments.

6. Cancellation Fees: In the event of Cancellation, Mind to Sight Web Design reserves the right to be compensated for services performed through the date of cancellation in the amount of a pro-rated portion of the fees due. Any amount of the initial deposit not affected by fees will be returned to the client. Any amount over the deposit will be billed. Upon cancellation, all rights to the website revert to Mind to Sight Web Design and all original art developed by Mind to Sight Web Design must be returned, including sketches, comps, or other preliminary materials.

7. Credits and Promotion: A Mind to Sight Web Design credit logo, with embedded link to the company website and suitable to the design of the project pages, will be displayed on the project website. Client agrees to pay an additional fifty percent (50%) of the total fee, excluding expenses, for failure to include credit logo. Mind to Sight Web Design reserves the right to include screen shots of the completed work in its portfolio.